Monday, March 31, 2008

Ella's New Vet

Like any good rabbit, Ella goes in for a physical once a year. This past Saturday marked her first day with a new vet. I cannot begin to tell you how unhappy I am with the service we received. Understandably, I only have her previous vet to compare to, but I am almost thinking the hour drive is worth it.

A list of what the vet did not do that I feel is standard:
Take her temperature
Request a stool sample
Check her teeth
Look at her underside

All the vet did do was a quick run over her body with her hands and weigh her. I made her look at her teeth (she recently chipped one); otherwise she would have blown right past this crucial step.

I will be paying another vet 40 more dollars. I am happy and confident Ella is in good health but I want a vet I trust before Ella gets sick. Cheers to the hunt for the new one.

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