With Easter just around the corner, parents might think this is the perfect time to introduce a fluffy bunny into their child's life. This is fine if it's made out of polyester, but other than that, bunnies are better off chocolate this time of year.
Yes, rabbits are adorable.
Yes, they fit the theme. (Do you really buy a pet because it matches the holiday?)
What people often don't consider when buying a rabbit:
They live between 7-12 years based on breed and care provided. Children often loose interest in these pets in less than one year.
They require daily interaction, i.e. playtime out of the INDOOR crate, food, water, timothy hay (24/7 access), and fresh leafy greens.
They require toys and other activities that are stimulating.
They require yearly Vet appointments.
Rabbit proofing the space they spend time in is necessary.
Rabbits can be litter trained like cats, and are interested in spending time with you like dogs. If the rabbit is just put it in a crate behind the garage it will not live as long, will not be trusting of the family, and will not be as social when someone does decide to check on them.
Bunnies are a fantastic house pet and I highly encourage anyone interested in one to consider adopting from your local shelter. Please learn what having one of these sweet and loving creatures means, The House Rabbit Handbook is a great place to start. When comfortable with the commitment, start to look for your new friend. But for Easter, when it may be tempting to just jump in for the initial awe factor, go for chocolate.
Image from http://www.chocolatebunny.org/
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