Monday, March 10, 2008

Your rabbit lives with your dog?

She sure does, and most of the time they make excellent playmates. Ella gets just as excited about "the rope", a big piece of rope with a knot in it, as Bailey. However, they do play with it differently, Ella likes to dig on it, chase after it, and sit on it. Bailey likes to pull it. That's it. Pull.

They both enjoy some leafy greens, and Bailey waits patiently until Ella has had her fill before cleaning up. They both beg for popcorn and run around your feet hopping you'll drop some down. Ella is a bit more aggressive about her love of popcorn and will jump on your lap and try to take it out of your hand as you bring it to your mouth.

Dogs and rabbits can be great friends, and if you are planning to have both here are some tips for socializing them properly.
You should know the breed
Monitor always
Introduce slowly, with dog on leash
Train your dog, encourage gentle behavior

If your rabbit has been harassed, not annoyed by the dog, remember shock can be fatal and CALL THE VET.
Know your rabbit's temperament as well. Ella is very social and is friends with many different family dogs. This may not be the type of company your rabbit wishes to keep. Watch for cues as to your pets needs, and consult your vet for more info on dog/rabbit introductions.

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